and tickets
Embark on a cinematic journey through the most diverse worlds from 12 films. The variety is enormous and yet all the films have something in common: they are first works that deserve to be seen on the big screen.
Opening evening, Thursday, 5.9.2024
CHF 20.00
Single ticket
CHF 18.00
With Klosters-Davos guest card
CHF 17.00
Members kgk/KGD/La Vouta
CHF 16.00
Young people up to 25 years
CHF 16.00
Film Talk
Freitag, 2. September 10:30 Uhr
öffentlich und Eintritt frei
Aftershow-Party KaffeeKlatsch Lounge
1. bis 3. September ab 22:00 Uhr
öffentlich und Eintritt frei